The word "Journey" seems to be related with the word "tiring", "far" or "expensive". It is actually not wrong, but not every journey counts that way. The word "Journey" in Oxford English Dictionary defined as "an act of travelling from one place to another". It means that a journey is something that we actually do everyday and anytime. Going to school, going to restaurant, going to everywhere are also considered as a journey. Whether near or far the place are, there must have been things that actually we can inspire, learn, understand and keep in mind with.
So this is my journey for this week.
This picture tells how the 3 women sees and points to something in the middle of confusion. Somehow they catch my eyes while they were shouting with other language that I didn't know, leave me in my own scenario that they are probably confused or lost. I personally interested with how they react and express their emotion with different body languages in the same time.

I was just walking around until I found this place in coincidence. What catches my eyes in this photo is how the sign in the road is actually pointing to the left while the road remains straight. Maybe lots of people didn't notice because it's just a little thing that we rarely take attention at. I found this kind of picture is quite unique since now I'm in Singapore.
So I walked to Clarke Quay with my friends and the scenery is so beautiful. I love how the pastel colours on the houses matches well with the boat and also the sunset. Somehow the sun brings a romantic sort of feel to this photo.
Right in front the river side there are metal fences with so many locks on it and it's called Locks of Love. The locks are in different sizes, shapes, types and colours. It is said that a couple who attach their lock there will bring a positive effect for their relationship.
The sun was began to set and some foreigners were trying to have a fear with GX-5 Xtreme Swing. Even from far away we could hear their screams as they went up and down through meters of height. Even though it sounds scary, but I love this photo because the sunset makes the object darker and more artistic, especially the colour gradation of the sky from blue to orange. makes a wonderful view of a fear.
We went to a long tunnel beside the bridge and found some colourful and very artistic wall. The paintings in each side are different in theme and draw but almost same in colour picking. They use colours like orange, red, blue, and green frequently. I like how the contrast colours are actually works well with this tunnel because it makes the atmosphere better and clean since we know that the word "tunnel" is actually identical with something dark, scary or even dirty. I also like how the light creates shadows in certain area so it looks like a pattern.
This picture also taken at sunset but here the sky is very bright. We can see that the lights were already on including the lanterns on the boat. Meanwhile, this building catches my eyes from the very first moment I saw it. The combination of colours of the window makes the building beautiful even though the wall is plainly white. It is interesting how such a big building is located next to a riverside.
Still in Clarke Quay, this photo is one of my favourite because it looks so wonderful and looks like a painting. I love how all the components in this photo complements others and how it unites to a very beautiful scenery. The water surface supports the colourful lights from the buildings and the boats which makes a beautiful reflection of the colours. The sky is very clear too and the colour is amazing.
It was almost dark and all restaurants and stalls were turning the lights on. The smell of delicious foods was very inviting all the way across the street. I love the roof designs of the restaurants because it looks attractive, including how the colours matches the theme of the place. For example restaurants in red brings a warm atmosphere and bar or cafe in blue brings cool atmosphere.
One of many interesting and unique things that I could find in Clarke Quay is the huge colourful transparent mushroom-like roof across the indoor restaurants and shops. What I love in this photo is that the colour and the shape matches well with the colour of the sky and also convenient because it's completely protect the ones below. The shape is very unique too. If we look closer, it has a sort of patterns in the surface.
This photo is sort of reminding me of Gold Coast, Australia. It has a similar feeling of tall and huge buildings, boats, everything about the scenery. I love how the water reflects the lights and how the sky is so clear. It makes the building stands out more and the water becomes lighter in colour. All the components makes a wonderful scenery of a riverside.
Clarke Quay might be one of the most romantic and beautiful dating places in Singapore. As we can see, mostly couples would sit by the riverside, talking or eating together, enjoying beautiful scenery of lights and combination of colours. I also love how the mushroom roof completes the warm colours below with the cool colours so it become balanced.
It's getting late and this is my last picture. The light of the boats somehow caught my eyes and I saw this beautiful view of colours. It's actually not a common thing for me to see 3 contrast colours in the same water and side by side. I love how it actually brings liveliness because the water would be very dark without those lights. Yet, there are so much colours going on in this picture, from the colourful building from the earlier, those colourful mushroom roofs, the very bright boats, and the clear reflecting water.
I really satisfied and enjoyed my journey on walking around and learn new things that I haven't seen or known before. For maybe the first time in a while, I could notice new things that I actually passed by everyday. All of these journey make me realised that I can learn so many things everyday just by using and sharpening my senses, like looking, watching, learning, smelling, feeling, hearing, doing things. One thing that I reflect from my journey is how I spent so little time to take attention on things everyday. Everyday seems passed without me noticing what's around yet there are so many things that I could inspired with and bring many ideas. Now that I know that quantity produced quality, I would prefer to see many little things to learn big things ahead. Because learning would never be useless, in the future I would like to see and learn things more everywhere and anytime. Even though I'm majoring in Graphic Communication, I would love to learn many things more in my daily basis like 3D, Fine Arts, Fashion, and much more. In brief, I feel that now learning things can also be fun and exciting. Especially for us, art students, observing things would never be a waste, yet it would make us more creative in things we do and our way of thinking.